Listen and experience in your own space

The Heartfield recordings are for your deep listening experiences.
The sounds are entwined and woven with the electromagnetic sounds of the
Earth resonance and Sun electromagnetism. The toning sounds are generated randomly
by ai that tracks the bodies who moved in the live Heartfield experience.
The meditation recording can be followed along to whilst you listen, or before.

Follow along with The Heartfield Meditation before or at the same time as starting the sound.

Once the meditation is complete, it is recommended that you sit or lie down to listen deeply to the sounds, breathing through the heart.

Following the listening experience - you may take some time to contemplate what the Heartfield experience means to your everyday experience encountering and interacting with the world.

Listen and practice Heartfield to the recordings, and develop your own practice for being ecologically entangled through the heart. Each one is composed of the same sounds, but the bodies and the generative programme of the system is unique to each session co-composition: